Viagra: When To Use
Viagra is well-known all around the world as the best drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is a common pathological condition of male potency. The essence of erectile dysfunction is unavailability of a man to achieve and support erection sufficient for a successful sexual act. Of course, such a condition is insulant for both a man himself and for his sexual partner. Insolvency in sexual life is probably the most disappointing pathology for a man. In reality, a man’s ego is far not so firm as people used to think. Emotional sensitivity is inherent in men as well as in women, and sexual sphere is the most delicate one, full of doubts and often misfortunes.
Official prescription of Viagra is erectile dysfunction, but this drug is used also in cases of temporary sexual dysfunction. A man can experience difficulties while achieving erection when he is tired, depressed, has got problems at work and in the family, if he is afraid of a failure during his first sexual intercourse or is nervous in anticipation of intimacy with a new partner. Such cases can’t be called erectile dysfunction, or ED, because they are temporary and sometimes happen to all men. Such impotence is often called situational one. Viagra is an effective solution of such problems as well as for the treatment of ED.
Viagra 50 Mg Against Temporary And Permanent Erectile Dysfunction
One may wonder, what is then erectile dysfunction if sexual disorders mentioned above are other temporal dysfunctions of male potency? The answer is not so obvious as one may think. Erectile dysfunction can have different etiology – it can be physical or psychological. Psychological causes vary as much as the psychology of each given man, and there exist a large number of physical causes of impotence as well.
Below we will try to collect the most common psychological factors that lead to male impotence.
- Social stereotypes of what a normal sexual act is.
- A man’s dislike of his own body.
- Lack of self-esteem and self-assurance.
- Endless myths about sexual behaviour of a man.
- Fear of failures in bed.
- Inadequacy of requests and sexual constitution of a man.
- Shift of male identity towards sex.
- Problems in a man’s relations with his mother and other relatives of female sex. Especially often the model “wife as a mother” turns out to be very harmful for happy sexual life of a man.
- Distrust of a man to his partner.
- The impact of negative sexual experience from the past.
These are just several psychological causes or erectile dysfunction in men. A situation when one specific factor triggers impotence takes place. Usually a number of reasons together form a background for sexual dysfunction. There is no doubt that Viagra 50 mg is effective in the majority of such cases, but there can be such a situation when only the help of a qualified and attentive psychologist will allow a man to feel all the pleasure and joy of good sex again.
Viagra 50 Mg: How It Acts
We consider it necessary to inform you about the mechanism of action of Viagra and to present you a short review of the history of the creation of this drug.
History knows hundreds, if not to say thousands, of means for increasing male power, from dangerous charlatan's potions to relatively innocuous, but ineffective substances. Still, until recently there existed no proved and effective means for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Only in the second half of 1990s scientists synthesized a chemical substance called Sildenafil citrate, which was intended to be used for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension and stenocardia, but occasionally became a stunning breakthrough in the sphere of fighting erectile dysfunction. Who remembers now that this drug was, properly speaking, a mistake? Who remembers that pulmonary hypertension exists at all? Nothing matters in front of a fact that Sildenafil citrate has already helped millions of men to restore their sexual life and isn’t going to lose ground.
In a slightly simplified form the mechanism of appearance of an erection is the following: in the presence of sexual arousal or sexual stimulation a specific vascular reaction takes place, when a large amount of blood enters the penis via arteries and becomes stuck in the cavernous bodies of the penis. The pressure in these bodies rises then to a higher level, making the organ increase in size and become hard and ready for penetration. Simultaneously, muscles of cavernous bodies relax and venous outflow practically stops. As follows from what has been said, the main component of erection is the proper activity of blood vessels. However, blood vessels in particular and cardiovascular system in general are exactly these systems of organs that suffer most of all from unhealthy modern lifestyle of men.
Sildenafil citrate acts directly on blood vessels of male genital organs, more precisely, on blood vessels of the penis. Under its effect they dilate, become filled with a larger amount of blood, and a strong erection is achieved. Viagra should be taken about an hour before planned sex.
Viagra 50 Mg: Buy Online
Original Viagra is manufactured by an American pharmaceutical company Pfizer with headquarters in New York, and is present in the market in form of diamond-shaped blue pills of three kinds of dosage: 25, 50 and 100 mg. The dosage of 50 mg is the most wide-spread, it is exactly what doctors prescribe when men complain about their problems with erection. This is a sort of golden mean: the dosage is not so small as Viagra 25 mg, which is most often taken by men who want to increase their self-assurance before sex and to take a pill as a means of prevention of unpleasant failures, and not so high as Viagra 100 mg, which requires a meticulous medical examination and increased care when taking the pill. If you don’t know which dosage of Viagra to choose, stop at Viagra 50 mg.
It should be noted that Viagra is a drug developed only for men and shouldn’t be taken by people under 18 years old. If a woman takes Viagra, she won’t experience anything special sensations in the sexual sphere.
In our company you can order Viagra 50 mg online with delivery. Buying drugs for increase of potency online has got a number of advantages in comparison with offline purchases: guaranteed anonymity, an ability to order desired drugs from proved manufacturers, high level of service, saving time and effort. Our customers have access to discount programs, special offers and profitable prices.
Ordering Viagra 50 mg online in our company won’t take you longer than five minutes.
Generic Viagra 50 Mg
In our online pharmacy we provide a wide range of generic medicines, including generic Viagra. Generic Viagra is considerably cheaper than the original drug and is not inferior to it in quality. The price of generic Viagra 50 mg in our company is significantly lower than in most offline drug stores and online competitors.
Generic Viagra contains the same active substance as the original Viagra, but due to its lower price the popularity of generic Viagra almost reaches the one of Pfizer’s drug.
With the help of generic Viagra a man will be able to increase his male power, satisfy his partner and restore his self-awareness to the highest level. Potency is probably the most important part of a man’s health, and he shouldn’t turn a blind eye to problems with erection. Generic Viagra is effective for about five hours after the intake. Take this fact into consideration in order to schedule properly your sexual activity and return to high-grade sex with generic Viagra 50 mg.
Before taking the drug, it is strongly recommended to become acquainted with instruction manual and learn everything about side effects and contraindications of generic Viagra. This medicine requires a doctor’s prescription, but very often pharmacies sell it as it is, including our company. Still we recommend you to consult a doctor before ordering generic Viagra online, because health is our most precious treasure.